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Estás en HomeCurioblog5 Essential Gadgets for Students
 el 11 May 2009 por Marta Reig

5 Essential Gadgets for Students

The long-feared final exams are about to begin, the worst nightmare of high school and university students. We'll help you survive exams and get good grades while maintaining a sense of humor.

Study Ball, Dead Fred, Giant Post-it, Crazy Clocky y Beer Tracker Bottle Opener
Study Ball, Dead Fred, Giant Post-it, Crazy Clocky y Beer Tracker Bottle Opener
For students, the last days of spring are no doubt the worst days of the year: it's the much-feared final exam period. You've spent most of the school year hanging out at the school's cafeteria, skipping class and copying other people's homework. But, now you're forced to study and take things more seriously. Or are you? Here are 5 gadgets that will make your life as a student easier and a lot more fun. And, they'll also help you pass.

You haven’t so much as opened a book all year and final exams are just around the corner... Serve your sentence the day before your test with this clever prison-style ball and chain: set the amount of time you want to spend studying – up to 4 hours- and chain yourself to it. You won’t be able to get up. A word of advice: remember to use the toilet and gather any necessary provisions before putting it on.

Fred is more than just a silent companion; he’s also the best possible penholder during exam periods. Stop torturing yourself by trying to memorize quotes from famous philosophers and important dates you’ll soon forget. Torture Fred instead! He won’t complain, and, he’ll also hold your pen for you. He’s a very practical little doll that has no doubt seen better days.

There are many study aids you can use: pure and simple memorization, comprehension, tape recorders, cheat sheets... Here’s an idea for those of you who’ve tried them all and you still haven’t found one that works: use these giant post-it blocks to hang your class notes around the walls in your bedroom, living room, kitchen, or bath room. You’ll be forced to read them, so inevitably some of the content must stick.

It’s so hard to get up early in the morning! Especially if you’re getting up to study... Here’s something that’ll get you out of bed if you’re running low on will power. This crazy alarm clock will help: it has two wheels and runs around your room making an incredibly unpleasant noise. It also jumps off your nightstand, avoids obstacles and hides. It’s a real gem. If you want to turn it off, you’ll have to get up and look for it.

A little break won’t do you any harm, go out for a few beers with your friends and recharge before getting back to your desk. Just take this bottle opener with you so you can keep track of how many beers you’re drinking. After the fifth, you’ll know it’s time to get back to the library.
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