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Estás en HomeCurioblogPlay More Notebook
 el 10 Jul 2009 por Marta Reig

Play More Notebook

When you crumple them up, the pages in this notebook turn into a soccer ball, basketball, or a tennis ball... Throw a few hoops in the recycling basket.

Choose your office sport: tennis, billiards, soccer, basketball...
Choose your office sport: tennis, billiards, soccer, basketball...
Choose your office sport: tennis, billiards, soccer, basketball... On one side, it’s a block of notes. On the other side, it’s a future ball. Albeit a ball with no air in it "Play more more more" notebook cover
"Play more more more" is the name of this clever notebook created by Dutch design studio Trapped in Suburbia. It’s a block of notes that looks serious enough, but each page is printed on the back to look like a different type of sports ball.

Use the notebook to keep track of your chores and, when you need a break, throw a few hoops with your mates at work. All you have to do is tear off a page and crumple it up, just like you do with all the other paper cluttering your desk.

Now you have a tool to play with: a wad of paper that looks like a soccer ball, a basketball, a tennis ball, a baseball or an American-style football. There’s even a model that looks like a billiard ball, although we must warn you that if you throw it at your boss with all your might it’s still completely harmless.

The "Play more more more" notebook was a finalist at the European Design Awards and Trapped in Suburbia’s idea was to design an office accessory that would encourage employees to play at work. We’re not sure what management will think of all this; but given that the folks at Google have a play room for their workers, and they seem to be doing alright, maybe playing a bit of soccer during your coffee break isn’t a bad idea after all...

Trips to the waste bin become just the playful experience you need to get back to work feeling refreshed. You’ll spend the day recycling.

Via Trends Now
Link Trapped in Suburbia
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