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You are in HomeIberian ham plush toy

Jamón ibérico de peluche
Jamón ibérico de peluche
This ham is made from plush toy piglets that have been slaughtered using a harmless plush toy knife in order to prevent needless suffering

Jamón ibérico de peluche
This guy's just crazy about ham, one leg is not enough for him
© Photography Luis García Craus

Your pets won't even go near it...
Photography Cuarto derecha

Now you too can afford to give an Iberian ham as a gift.

A few years back, in the boring old days of the economic boom, it was common practice for companies all over the Iberian Peninsula to give workers a basket full of goodies as a Christmas bonus, and this basket usually included a leg of Iberian ham. Remember the days?

But, in these lean times of financial crisis, now only the members of the board of directors get a ham, if they’re lucky, while typical Spanish working stiffs are left with our mouths watering: there’s no ham in our baskets and we are sadly unable to afford getting a ham for our grandchildren, sweethearts or in-laws.

But, don’t worry, because Curiosite has the perfect solution to this dilemma: an Iberian Ham Cushion. It’s the same size as an authentic leg of acorn-fed Iberian ham, but costs just £13.52, so now you too can afford to give ham as a Christmas gift. As it should be.

You can squeeze it, cuddle in bed with it, or rest your head on it while you take a hard-earned nap: this ham is not fattening and won’t raise your cholesterol levels. Oh! And it's also perfect for vegetarians and animal-rights activists, because this ham isn't actually made from the leg of a live pig: the cover is 100% cotton, and when you get tired of it or once it’s old and worn, you can recycle it and use it as a rag.

Go ahead and laugh at the crisis and the pigs that caused it with this Iberian Ham Cushion. We might be poorer now, but we can be even happier.

Product design: Marta Peris and Alejandro Kobiakov.
Photography: Luis García Craus.
Fran Pérez Gibert.

What a hog!!
© Photography Luis García Craus

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