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1 hour candle ©
Candles for Measuring Time

1 hour candle©  is a candle that takes one hour to burn down. A series of marks printed on the side allow you to keep precise track of time. It’s sold in packs of 24 candles, so you’ll have 24 hours of candlelight to do whatever you wish. Work is underway to create prototypes for candles that last one-minute and one day.

Have you ever thought about what you can do in just one hour? A romantic bath? A good romp? A nap? Dinner?

Made 100% out of tristearin, so it has a strong flame that won’t flutter. Tristearin is less sensitive to room temperature than paraffin or vegetable wax, so the time marks on the candle marks are fairly accurate no matter what the room temperature. The wick is made out of cotton.

1 hour candle© was designed by Emilio Alarcón for Curiosite. It is a prototype in the production stage. As the designer himself has stated, “the idea of using candles to keep time is not new, this was relatively popular in the Middle Ages when they were used in convents and monasteries for their vigil.” To which he adds: “I haven’t invented anything new, often times creativity is based on recovering and adapting old ideas.”

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